What reaction did you get from the fans?
The first reactions from the fans were not good, because they didn't want a new Star Trek. They were quite happy with the old Star Trek and were quite upset that we were going to usurp the original show. After a while, when they realised that there was no son of Spoke, daughter of Kirk, or any of that stuff happening, they gradually warmed to us. Now, they love us.
I was one of the first ones to start doing conventions. Brent didn't do them for the longest time. I would come to work on a Monday, after having been in Boston or Riley, North Carolina, or somewhere on the weekend, and he would say, 'So what's it like? What's it like?' And I would say, 'Well, if you have a problem with being adored, don't go.'
That's what it is, they just love us, and they can't do enough for us. They're very respectful: people often ask me if I feel in danger or threatened when I'm there. Never. I have never felt threatened by a Star Trek fan, because they are, so respectful, and they do realise that you need your space. They're wonderful - they're the most loyal fans in the history of show business.