Is it true that you got back ache from your costume?
The costumes were redesigned after the first or second season� we were taken out of the spandex and put into wool and one of the reasons was that we were all of us beginning to suffer skeletal problems from the pressures of the spandex.
The suits we wore were actually made a couple of sizes too small so that they would be very, very form fitting, but what they did was to put pressure like this on you everywhere so you were continually having to push against the pressure of the spandex. And I was told by my chiropractor that if I didn�t get out of this costume I would do permanent lasting damage to my body, so we told this to the studio and that was all they needed to redesign the costumes and then we got sensible two piece costumes that moved with you, instead of costumes that you had to fight on a daily basis.