How would you describe the premise of The Next Generation?
The premise of the show was to show the public that there was a hopeful future. We, as the human race, were going to develop in a positive way, and that by the time we got to the 24th century there would be no need for money. Everyone would get along much better, there would be no countries on Earth, we would just be a planet. It was a very hopeful idea, and Gene believed in that.
I'm not sure that it's an idea that's actually going to happen, with the way things are going these days. It's something that the fans hooked onto, what they like about the show is that it has a very hopeful future and that it's very non-judgmental. The whole premise of the show is that it's not about what people are like on the outside, or what races are like on the outside, it's about what's going on in the inside. A lot of fans who don't necessarily fit into the norm, or into the mainstream, are so attached to the show, because they've found a place where they fit in.