Do you have a set that you�re most proud of?
A couple of sets were particularly difficult problems to solve. One was stellar cartography in Star Trek: Generations, the scene where Picard and Data are on a tongue in the middle of this enormous circular room on which is a star map. It�s a graphic reproduction of a star system that they are standing inside of, in a room on The Enterprise. As described in the script, it was a very minimal set.
I talked Mr.Berman into letting me do a really grand thing with it and I stuck my neck way out in doing so. When you do that, you�re always gratified that it works, and it was one of the more interesting sets in the picture.
The other set that I liked the most was a Klingon courtroom from Star Trek: The Undiscovered Country, because I had to figure out how to make three thousand Klingons. We could only afford eighty-five Klingons, so when you see what seems to be a whole court room full of Klingons, is a well calculated use of the camera.
We would shoot all the principals against ten foot walls, and then pull back and see our eighty-five Klingons, and then pull back further and see in CGI, the three thousand Klingons. That was successful, and when those things work, you feel you did a good job.