Introduction - what's the day?
Trivia - time to play!
Reviews - are we too old to enjoy it now?
Pictures - have the Toys on your desktop.
Video - the clock, the pets and more.
Game - guess which window.
Original paperwork 1970 press release 1 1970 press release 2 | Writers' guidelines
Bounce bounce bounceA song, a ball and a game from 1968. |
The Clock - 1968And the long hand's pointing to ... |
The Windows - 1968 Which one will it be? |
Numbers - 1968 Can you count to a hundred? |
Pets Katoo is playful, and Johnny twitches his nose. |
The Calendar - 1971 Today, it's Monday. |
The Clock - 1971 And what's beneath the clock today? |
The Windows - 1979 A very rare treat indeed. |
The Toys Lovely Little Ted, happy Humpty and er..Hamble. |
Joining In Can you click your fingers? |