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Cult | News | 20 October 2004

Mad Mad House Six

Review: Vampirism, nudism and deception in a shocking episode.

This week, Don drank some blood, which was pretty icky and a bit embarrasing really, and Avocado got everyone except Loana to strip off - cue an attack of the blurred bums.

But those weren't the important events of this week. No, this week the big question is how much of this is real and how much acted? I have to ask, because Mad Mad House has reached, after six episodes, the same point it took Big Brother two and a half series to get to. They've started dicking about with the evictions.

During their deliberations, the Alts, unable to chose who to eliminate, decided to "do something different." Their apparently spontaneous decision was to force the contestants to pick one of their own to chuck out instead. With the odious Nicole safe from eviction this week, Eric, Jamie, Lana and Noel had no choice but to do the dirty on one of their own mates.

Agonising decision over, it was revealed that - it was all a sham! No one was leaving at all, they just wanted to sow discord. So, are we really meant to believe that the Alts just decided, on a whim, to do something that would extend the series by an episode? I don't think so.

So, if we can't believe they weren't acting here - what can we believe of the series? Maybe the Alts aren't witches and vampires and that at all! Maybe they're chartered accountants and estate agents. The deception was a nasty trick, and a big mistake.

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