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Cult | News | 21 October 2004

Stargate future

Executive Producer Michael Greenburg talks about the franchise.

In an interview for the new Stargate SG-1 Magazine Michael Greenburg talks about the future of the parent show and its spin-off.

"I personally think there is going to be a ninth year for Stargate SG-1 and a second year for Stargate: Atlantis... Creatively there are so many storylines that we have going and so many unfinished parts that there's no way that we can finish them all by the end of this year – there's probably no way to finish them next year!"

Greenburg says that eight years of Stargate SG-1 has benefited Stargate: Atlantis.

"We were starting from an eight year experience. It's a big advantage. You can see it in our visual effects, our sets, the production, the principal photography that we do, and you can see it, probably more dramatically, in the visual effects."

A Stargate SG-1 film is also a possibility.

"It's always being talked about. It'll come down to the right script at the right time. I think they would start with the original cast and probably sprinkle in a few marquee value co-stars in the other roles. I think it's important to keep the original core cast, because we're always able to attract big stars in the supporting roles."

Stargate SG-1 Magazine issue one, out next Thursday, also features interviews with Amanda Tapping, Michael Shanks and Christopher Judge. There is also a preview of Stargate: Atlantis and a look at how the military are consulted to make the original show as realistic as possible.

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