BBC title sequences brings you Real Media clips of memorable introductions to classic TV programmes. Browse the galleries, or use the drop down menu to choose title sequences by name or to find your way back to this page.
 Hamish Macbeth (1996) Robert Carlyle as the Scottish bobby on the beat.
 Hancock's Half Hour (1957) Tony Hancock's TV career started in 1956 and went on to 1961.
 Hart Beat (1988) Paper, paint and paste shenanigans in the latest of Tony's programmes.
 Henry's Cat (1986) Henry, Chris Rabbit, Pansy Pig, Mosey Mouse, Ted Tortoise, Denise Duck, Sammy Snail and Douglas Dog.
 Hi-De_Hi! (1983) The highs and lows of sixties holiday camp staff at Maplin's.
 Home Economics (1980) This schools programme obviously involved gravy.
 Howard's Way (1984) Jack Rolf, and the Harvey family with all the glamour of the yachting world.
 Ivor the Engine (1976) The Merioneth and Llantisilly Rail Traction Company Limited.
 Jackanory (1975) By 1990 more than 650 stories had been read by the likes of Peter Sellers, Joanna Lumley and Prince Charles.
 Jigsaw (1979) Does, Pterry the pterodactyl ring any bells? How about Biggum the giant � all you ever saw was his sandal!
 Jim'll Fix It (1979) Now then. Now then. Now then. Boys and girls, boys and girls.
 Juliet Bravo (1981) Northern provincial policewomanry, with Stephanie Turner and later Anna Carteret.
 K9 and Company (1981) K9 and the mighty mini metro.
 A Kick Up the Eighties (1984) Alternative comedy is unleashed on the British public.
 The Late Late Breakfast Show (1985) Noel Edmonds does his usual Saturday evening fun.
 Life and Loves of a She-Devil (1986) Strange goings-on up a lighthouse.
 Lovejoy (1986) The Antiques rogue show with Ian McShane.