The description came from the similarity to a shaggy
dish mop, and led to comments such as: 'Did you see that boy? His
hair touched his ears!'
Much was done to stamp out the controversial Mop
Top cut made popular by The Beatles, but nothing was going to stop
the trend going into fashion history.
When the boy band from Liverpool turned up with their dodgy bowl
cuts, people were shocked. The older generation in particular hated
it - seeing men with long hair was just 'not on'.
Although very tame by today's standards the mop top was shaggy
- even daring to touch the shoulder in days when men were expected
to show military precision and have the hair neatly cut above the
Mop top hairdos took off across the country, despite some schools
banning the style - and Middle England calling on the government
to reinstate National Service and 'stop the rot'.