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I LOVE 1964

A wig


Once it was discovered that The Supremes used them on stage the syrup went right to the top of the fashion class. And it wasn't only women, led by Pop artist Andy Warhol who sported a selection of silver, blue and white wigs, chaps got in on the fad too.

Of course, the Beatles got in on the act. Their famous Beatle wigs were one of the best selling pieces of pop merchandise ever, although the band made very little from them after one of Brian Epstein's less successful business deals. A range of 'groovy' wigs were also created by John Stephen and found popularity with trendy blokes across the land.

Later in the decade 'afro' wigs became popular with both men and women, although the people sitting behind them at the cinema weren't too impressed.

1964 Fashion: Topless | Wigs | Habitat

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