Peacekeeper Wars DVD

Review: Farscape gets a decent send off.
This DVD is as crammed as the min-series itself (see the link below for a review of the movie), and just as satisfying.
For one thing, Contender have issued the mini-series in exactly the same format as the rest of the series - so completists aren't going to have something jarring sat at the end of their shelf (Doctor Who fans: please note). Even the onscreen menus are the same - but with lovely new Dolby 5.1 movie-style music that swooshes doomily round the living room.
The pride and joy of the box, though is the documentary, which is a textbook example of how a making-of should be done, taking you through from the first script reading to the sets being demolished, stopping off to chat to everyone, even the unit caterer who tells you how many cows the crew have eaten.
It's a wonderful piece that tell you exactly how hard, relentless and fun it is making television, and how much everyone involved is pleased to be back. The cast may be tired, but they're happy and make time to chat to the documentary makers and fool around engagingly.
Plus you get to see Claudia Black whacking the hell out of her baby bulge.
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Obsidian Butterfly
PK Wars was great, although it would've been better if they had allowed it to be a season's worth, not just a few hours.
Farscape is the best sci-fi ever - and that's coming from a die-hard Trekkie!
I wish they're bring Farscape back. Long live Farscape!!!!
A corker, shame we only had the 3 hours, but that's TV for ya. It didn't disappoint, the end had this old cynic in tears, well, for once we had a sci-fi show with characters you can care about.
A shedload of action, a fantastic supporting cast, great special effects. I only hope that there is a sequel of sorts. What really happened to D'Argo?
Well, just seen the DVD of PKW. A little rushed maybe but I am so glad that we were able to see a conclusion to the most original, enjoyable, innovative sci-fi show ever. Huge congrats and thanks to the team behind Farscape and also to the fans for making PKW happen. Awesome - I shall miss it - well, until I watch the DVDs again. Awesome. Nothing really comes close.
matthew drake
it was the best send off that couid happen but did dargo have to die i cry like a baby.i hope thay do more farscape because it was the best sci-fi ever
Andrew Martin
The season 4 cliffhanger left me devastated in the knowledge that i may not find out what happens next. The characters were all on form in the peacekeeper wars and it was as visually stunning as most of the series, however there were many plot holes and inconsistensies, a bit rushed and it was nasty to Kill all the ancient idolons!
Scott S
A truly fitting climax to the greatest of all sci-fi shows.
Martin R
Compared to the first three seasons, Peacekeeper Wars is disappointing.
For all its qualities, the mini series still has two major faults. Firstly, its a culmination of a series long slide from a creative and quirky show featuring an ensemble of interesting characters into something very more conventional - the John and Aeryn Show. All the supporting characters, both old and new, were given short shrift, and in a couple of cases even rewritten, presumably to avoid time consuming exposition. Any plot thread involving the supporting players that did not fit into the main themes involving Crichton, Aeryn and Scorpius were twisted to do so or just dropped.
The other major fault lies in the fact that it is a contraction of an unmade 22 episode series into less than a fifth of the running time. By trying to tie up just enough loose plot threads in set piece after set piece and cram in as many old characters as possible, PKW is littered with plot holes and inconsistencies, character interaction has been reduced in favour of action and effects, and there's little sign of the innovation we have seen on the show - for example, the final confrontation is just a new spin of the Organian episode from the original Star Trek.
I just hope that we get to see series five!! I liked the peacekeeper Wars, but I did feel that it was a bit rushed. Why is it that when you find a series that you love, it gets axed??
For almost two years I waited for closure and a happy ending to Farscape and the John and Aeryn saga. Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars did not disapoint. An amazing achievement in television, that rivals the big-budget movies in the cinema. A wonderful story of hope, family and sacrfice, the Farscape mini-series shows us all that life is what you make it.
lee turnbull
Peace keeper wars is brilliant and ties up the ends of the series, but not all. Some day I am sure we will get more farscape, but if we don't we will be able to look back and think WOW! no other sci-fi came close. 5 STARS ! Watched it from day one on BBC2, Star Wars eat your heart out!
Aeneas Feggans
I really enjoyed seeing this massive collection of so many characters from Farscape's past. Just about everyone who was still alive made it. The only ones missing were Firlow and Moldis.
Stephen Brennan
As a fan from the start, I think Peacekeeper Wars is a testament to the hard work, sense of fun, and boundless energy that the Farscape put into the show. As they say all good things must come to end, but at least they did it in style.
Paul Tapner
A great end to a great show. And a great DVD Package, with some fascinating extras. Pity it doesn't have a commentary, but there's more than enough to satisfy
Hi guys, Have to say the peacekeeper wars is really amazing. I used to catch it on BBC2 once in a while and always liked it but its really a fantastic end to the show.
Speaking as the current "Roll of Honour" holder, I can only stand in awe at the achievement from the Farscape Team. This is a fine send off, and fulfilled all the expectations of the fan as well as giving the newcomer a visual spectacle. Being able to compare this to the most recent airing of Enterprise on C4 you can see how far ahead the Farscape team are. I'm just so sad that there will now never be any more. Perhaps it is better to travel in hope than to arrive.
Mike Rouse-Deane
I honestly wasn't pleased with the mid-cliffhanger to this series. When I watched it on Sky, I wasn't really up for watching the second. Farscape has been great with cliffhangers, so why did this one suck?
However, watching the second part, there was a lot of jaw dropping parts, lots of action as usual, more revelations revealled and a few goodbyes. Okay, I wish it had had a small cliffhanger as such near the end, just to leave it dangling for more, but it was a good end, a nice end to a series I enjoyed watching since day one.
Paul Kelly
I came to 'Peacekeeper Wars' with high expectations and these were exceeded everywhere. Life, death, love and most of all humanity - Farscape: Peacekeeper Wars had it all. I like all fans will miss what has been and will be the best piece of television for years
Karl Fordham
Just as freaky and dramatic and happy and sad and stupendous as the rest of Farscape. A welcome and triumphant end to this frelling drad story!
PeaceKeeper Wars, it was everything it should have been. It tied up some loose plot threads, and opened more for the future. The pace of the miniseries was of course fast, but it didn't feel like it was rushed, and character didn't seem to be sacrificed for action. Peacekeepers Wars really earns the Farscape name.
It was excellent. A great ending to a fantastic show. It will go down in history. It is what Farscape is all about. Even though i cried, it was a brilliant ending. But i hope we haven't scene the end of Moya and her crew!
Expectation was high after the season 4 cliffhanger, but they managed to exceed it with this! Ok, the word "peace" may get a little tired but it's not often I get to laugh and then cry for three hours in front of a dvd.
Neil Douglas
It was a terrific series-and it got a great send off!!! The ending was truly cinematic. A part of sci-fi history!
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