The Borg were created by Next Generation writer Maurice Hurley, and bringing them to life proved a costly and time-consuming process:
From: The Star Trek: NG Companion by Larry Nemecek
'The new cybernetic race was meant to provide the hard-core danger the Ferengi couldn't deliver. 'If somebody's interested in gold, they're not much of an adversary,' Hurley said of the greedy little race. 'We can make gold in our replicator.'
Pulling the props, wardrobe and optical effects together for the Borg's physical look was a Herculean task. The Borg armature forearm, for example, weighed forty pounds. Some of their outfits came from the makers of the 'steel suits' for Dune and Batman. The show went over budget and for a time, according to Rob Bowman, 'we didn't know if we were making a stinker or a winner.'
More Borg: The Borg are Coming |
| They Will Assimilate you ... | Resistance is Futile