
Blackburn on Radio 1 |
Radio 1 Set Up
Radio 1 launches because of the huge popularity of pirate stations
broadcast from offshore where they could evade British broadcasting
regulations. Auntie just couldn't stand for it.
The Marine Offences Act 1967 had
just outlawed pirate stations such as Radio London, Caroline,
Swinging Radio England, Scotland, 270, 390, 355, BBMS, and land-based
Radio Jackie, which had been on the air since 1964. So what does
The Beeb do? They employed some of the pirate DJs to head
the new R1. Big names included Tony Blackburn, Kenny Everett, and
John Peel.
On September 4th 1967, the DJs and their shows
were announced. Contracts were for 8 weeks. The
first live group were the The Bee Gees, appearing on Saturday Club at
The BBC were only allowed to play 'commercial gramophone records'
for seven hours per day over both networks. But now the BBC has
seven entire networks.